The SIDS Unit – a “Clearly Identifiable Entity” of support.

 In 1994, member States of the United Nations, in the outcome document of the first International Conference on SIDS observed that: “It is essential for the follow-up to the Conference and the implementation of the Programme of Action that a clearly identifiable, qualified and competent entity within the Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development of the United Nations Secretariat be put in place to provide secretariat support for both intergovernmental and inter-agency coordination mechanisms.” To that end, and in response to the above, the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to establish such an entity within the then Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development.

In 1995, the Secretary-General reported and confirmed the establishment of such an entity with the primary task of providing secretariat support for facilitating the effective implementation of the BPoA with additional and simultaneous focused attention in the establishment of “appropriate institutional mechanisms for effecting coordination, monitoring and review of the implementation process; monitoring the substantive implementation of the Programme of Action; preparing statutory reports for the General Assembly and the Commission on Sustainable Development; and organizing expert group meetings on specific issues on the sustainable development of small island developing States, as was called for in General Assembly resolutions 49/122 and 49/100, and the BPoA. The Assembly acknowledged the establishment of the Unit in its resolution A/RES/50/166 and requested the Secretary-General to maintain the level of staffing and the structure and organization of the Unit in accordance with General Assembly resolution 49/122.

In 1996, the Assembly further underscored the importance of maintaining the SIDS Unit within the Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development and repeated its request to the Secretary-General to maintain the Unit at an appropriate level of staff and improve the structure and organization of the Unit, in accordance with resolution 49/122.

In 1997, the restructured SIDS Unit was made part of the Division for Sustainable Development in the then newly re-named United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA). This initiative was subsequently reported to, noted and welcomed by the Assembly. The UN-DESA SIDS Unit has since remained a “clearly identifiable, qualified and competent entity” (see: Fig.1) within UN-DESA, reporting directly to the Director of the now retitled Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG).

Annagram of the DSDG



A/CONF/167/9, the Barbados Programme of Action (BPoA)

A/RES/49/122, paragraph 15

A/50/422 paragraph. 5

Ibid paragraph. 6

A/RES/50/116 paragraph. 2


A/52/319 paragraph 20

A/RES/52/202 paragraph 2

With the exception of a brief period between 2016-17 when the Unit reported to the Director through then Chief of the “SIDS, Climate & Ocean Branch”.


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This site is developed and maintained by the Small Island Developing States Unit at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for Sustainable Development. It is a platform to interact with Members.

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New York, NY 10017

Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM
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